A superintendent’s leadership adventure requires an expert guide.
“You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb in his skin and walk around in it.” Atticus, To Kill A Mockingbird
One can’t truly understand the pressures of the superintendency unless they’ve walked in the shoes. Our clients know HYA’s associates have been in the chair. They have comfort knowing that our associates understand how schools work, the competing interests, the operation, and what process ideas just can’t be operationalized in a school setting. Our client superintendents trust that we will bring everything to them first, to process and check; for example, instructing their administration to complete a survey when their rate of participation was low, checking the contents of a report, bringing community ideas forward to analyze feasibility … everything goes to the superintendent first as they will have the heavy lift of implementation.
HYA Associates are coaching superintendents across the country and are working with their board on governance matters and the facilitation of the Superintendent's evaluation.
A core service we offer is executive leadership development. An HYA coach provides a neutral third party sounding board with personal experience and understanding of the demands of the position. A coach, unlike employees or family members, isn’t a dependent or subordinate, but rather a person capable of giving honest feedback to help the leader achieve their goals and the goals of the organization. An investment in yourself, or your school leader if you’re a board member, will help leverage strengths and build more productive relationships with a variety of people. Leadership development, when done correctly, has a direct impact on organizational and student success.