HYA for Administrators: Staff Augmentation

Get the help you need...when you need it.

Don't let staffing shortages get in the way of meeting your goals.

HYA's staff augmentation can immediately provide you with the people you need to move critical projects and initiatives forward.

Staff augmentation refers to a strategy where an organization hires additional staff on a temporary basis to supplement their existing workforce. This additional staff can be sourced through HYA or directly hired by the institution, and they work under the supervision of the institution’s leadership team. Staff augmentation is typically used to fill skill gaps, meet short-term demands or increase productivity, without committing to a long-term employment contract.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

HYA Associates are currently providing the needed assistance to establish affinity groups, manage school renaming, provide staff training, and examine policy and resource allocation. Select associates have participated in the development of goals, strategies, and key performance indicators.

Human Resources

HYA Associates provide the needed support to help the HR leader with candidate recruitment, compensation audits, administrative restructuring, and transition planning. Select associates also help the HR leader with diversity recruitment strategies and policies.

Finance and Operations

Select HYA Associates provide the needed support during referenda, collective bargaining, and for long range financial planning and projections. Our Associates have completed work from transportation audits, enrollment projections, and school restructuring to general financial and operational needs.


Select HYA Associates help the communications leader with branding, community outreach, and communication of the organization’s work. HYA Associates have completed work from focus groups to brochure/newsletter writing.

Curriculum and Instruction

When new programs are being implemented, additional resources are often needed to manage the implementation; HYA Associates provide the needed support. Select Associates have also supported the academic departments by assisting with needs from personnel evaluation and training to program evaluation and data analysis.

Student Services

HYA Associates assist leaders with long-range planning, program implementation, and program evaluation. HYA Associates are not utilized for any special education legal issues or due process.

Safe Learning Environments

Safety impacts learning and student achievement. Creating safe learning environments directly aligns with student achievement. Select HYA Associates are national safety and security experts whose guidance help shape national and local policies. HYA's consulting practice merges security and mental health practices, both essential pillars in creating safe learning environments.

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Staff augmentation refers to a strategy where an organization hires additional staff, either on a temporary basis, to supplement their existing workforce. This additional staff can be sourced through external agencies or directly hired by the district, and they work under the supervision of the leadership team. Staff augmentation is typically used to fill skill gaps, meet short-term demands or increase productivity, without committing to a long-term employment contract.

The HYA Associates provides additional resources for leaders to manage and realize the goal or task at hand.   HYA Associates bring vast experience to help support and develop implementation plans and provide aid to an administrator’s already full schedule.

HYA knows how overtaxed administrators are and when additional development and implementation work is created, HYA Associates provide additional staff to get the work done while providing expert advice and best practice approaches.

Although there are common needs, most departmental work is very specific to the task at hand.  Specialized support is the norm;  common needs include audits, project management and financial projections and allocation.

We bring additional associates into the work as needed based on expertise and experience.  For example, an Associate may be working with the HR department to audit the existing administrative structure and recruit needed positions simultaneously with another Associate that is providing the financial salary comparisons and budget for the new administrative structure.Â