Updating a strategic plan isn't exclusive to the end of the plan period.
There are multiple reasons to update a strategic plan in the middle of the plan period. These reasons include new state mandates, new Board, new superintendent, local conditions (e.g. the pandemic).
While it is true that the plan is the roadmap, adjustments might need to be made to align work with new conditions or mandates. This is exactly how HYA assisted Laurens County District 55 (LCSD 55) in South Carolina.
District Strategic Plans and School Renewal Plans are required by the SC State Board of Education Regulation 43-261 (District and School Planning) to be developed every five years by each school and district using the most current research-based practices designed to increase student achievement.

The plans are approved by the district school board and are submitted to the South Carolina Department of Education. But, plans must be updated annually.
HYA originally worked with LCSD 55 on their Strategic Plan for the period of 2018-2023; the district wanted extensive community involvement and a research-based process that included the review of district data: “We are excited to launch this inclusive strategic planning process that will help create the future for our district and schools. The approach we are taking is very different from what most schools undertake in that it is research-based, which means that decisions come from data, rather than intuition.” – Dr. Stephen G. Peters.
This original plan was modified into a new plan 2020-2025 given changes in local conditions, particularly the effects of the pandemic on education and the hiring of a new superintendent. This is referred to as an extension in SC. HYA Helped the district understand these local conditions and update their strategic plan to include the changed focus as a result of pandemic and student achievement data.