HYA Associate, Dr. Laurie A. Kimbrel, Published in International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM)

Dr. Laurie Kimbrel, Chief Associate for HYA’s Strategic Planning Collaborative, was recently published in the International Journal of Educational Foundations and Management (IJEFM) for her research article, “The Renewed Promise of Strategic Planning to Improve K12 Public School Outcomes.”

Dr. Kimbrel addresses the insightful argument for the use of strategic planning as a means to improve student achievement in K-12 public education. In this research article, read more about School Reform Policy Failure, the Characteristics of Strategic Planning, Strategic Planning’s place in public education, the Phases of Strategic Planning, the Impact and Barriers, Alignment of Strategic Plans with School Action Plans, and Recommendations for Research and Practice.

View Dr. Kimbrel’s article and read more about “the promise of a district-wide strategic planning approach with aligned school implementation plans to develop local yet comprehensive and action-oriented plans to improve student achievement.”

The Renewed Promise of Strategic Planning to Improve K12 Public School Outcomes

By: Laurie A. Kimbrel, Ed.D

ABSTRACT: Calls to improve student achievement have intensified with the release of post-COVID-19 assessment data. However, the literature makes it clear that traditional reform efforts mandated by federal and state policymakers, including individual School Improvement Plans, have not resulted in large-scale improvements in student outcomes. Evidence from research points to local control, collaborative planning involving key stakeholders, and district support for schools as elements of continuous improvement that are the most likely to promote the conditions necessary for increased student learning and achievement. District-wide strategic planning is not a commonly implemented or studied process in K12 school districts, yet it incorporates the elements for continuous improvement recommended by the literature. This paper builds a logical argument for the promise of a district-wide strategic planning approach with aligned school implementation plans to develop local yet comprehensive and action-oriented plans to improve student achievement.

KEYWORDS: Strategic planning, school reform, school improvement, school planning, K12 education.

HYA Associates

Hazard, Young, Attea, and Associates (HYA) is a network of independent education consultants across the nation. This independent network has made HYA the preeminent education consulting firm with over 30 years of executive search and education consulting experience. Since 1987, HYA has provided support for education leaders to employ school executives, address issues related to student performance, and support aspects of school district operations.

HYA Associates

Hazard, Young, Attea, and Associates (HYA) is a network of independent education consultants across the nation. This independent network has made HYA the preeminent education consulting firm with over 30 years of executive search and education consulting experience. Since 1987, HYA has provided support for education leaders to employ school executives, address issues related to student performance, and support aspects of school district operations.

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HYA provides comprehensive and customizable consulting for district leaders and school boards.

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