Board Workshops from HYA are essential for cultivating a strong, effective relationship between the superintendent and the board of education in a school district. This relationship is more critical than ever due to the recent turbulence in public education, which has created a leadership crisis and increased the costs associated with it.

The Crisis in School District Leadership and Associated Costs
As noted by EdSource (2023), superintendent salaries are rising due to a shortage of experienced, high-quality candidates. This shortage drives up compensation costs, making it more expensive to attract and retain top talent. Max McGee’s article in School Administrator (September 2023) further illustrates the increasing challenges for candidates seeking superintendent positions. The intensified hiring process and the potential for hiring mistakes amplify the risks and costs of leadership transitions, leading to less-than-ideal outcomes and the additional expense of replacing superintendents.
Many potential candidates, especially assistant superintendents, are reluctant to pursue superintendent roles due to the observed challenges and difficulties in the hiring process and the transition into the position. This reluctance highlights the need for comprehensive support systems to ensure new superintendents navigate their roles successfully.
Building a Strong Superintendent-Board Relationship
The work of supporting, developing, and evaluating a superintendent within the community context begins immediately after hiring. The success of a school district heavily depends on getting this decision right, as student achievement is directly impacted.
The HYA One Team, One Playbook approach outlines a 100-day relationship plan for the school board president and superintendent. This unique method involves working closely with both the board president and superintendent to foster a trusting and purposeful relationship, crucial for superintendent longevity and academic success.
Brené Brown aptly states, “Trust is a product of vulnerability that grows over time and requires work, attention, and full engagement. Trust isn’t a grand gesture—it’s a growing marble collection.” The relationship between the board and the superintendent permeates the entire district, affecting student learning, engagement, and well-being. A positive working relationship is built on defining and agreeing on shared values, which takes time and effort.
Developing Board and Superintendent Knowledge, Skills, and Roles
Board workshops and retreats are vital for defining clear roles and responsibilities for the school board. These sessions facilitate understanding of how the district leadership team will collaborate and govern the school district.
A strong board-superintendent relationship is founded on open, direct communication, honed through dialogue and discussion in board workshops. Ongoing professional development and growth for both the superintendent and the board are essential to forming a high-performing team. This collaborative team can design systems and create conditions that maximize student learning, engagement, and well-being.
The Risk of Leading a School District Without a Unified Approach
Without a unified, one-team, one-playbook approach, the investment in a superintendent’s leadership is at risk. A cohesive strategy is essential for fostering student success and ensuring the longevity and effectiveness of district leadership.