Laurie Kimbrel
About Company
Dr. Laurie Kimbrel is currently an Assistant Professor of Education Leadership in the Department of Leadership, Research, & School Improvement at the University of West Georgia. She teaches in the school leadership graduate programs as well as in the doctorate of school improvement program. She actively publishes in scholarly and practitioner journals and presents to national audiences regarding her research in leadership development, school improvement, and effective pedagogy. Prior to her role in higher education, she had a 27-year career in K-12 public schools where she served in a variety of positions including classroom teacher, dean of students, assistant principal, principal, associate superintendent and superintendent for seven years. She has worked as public educator in Illinois, California and Georgia. Dr. Kimbrel has extensive school and district level experience in the areas of curriculum and instruction, human resources, policy development, community relations, and school operations. In addition to her public school positions, she has served as president of several state organizations including the High School District Association of California and Schools for Sound Finance in California. As a consultant, she works with urban, rural, and suburban school districts of all sizes to collaboratively create research based strategic plans that result in a shared vision for success and improved student outcomes.