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About Company

The Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative
Educational Services (TST BOCES) enhances regional
education by delivering top-notch educational programs
and complementary services to local school districts.
Serving nearly 900 students and hundreds of adults,
TST BOCES employs over 300 staff. Our programs
encompass Adult Education, Career and Technical
Education, Exceptional Education, TST P-TECH
Academy, and the Regional Alternative School.
TST Services have expanded to include School
Improvement, Health and Safety Programs, Central
Business Office, Special Education School Improvement
Specialists, Data Analysis, Energy Management, and
enriched summer and teacher in-service programs. We
take pride in our graduates and dedicated staff, fostering
enthusiastic partnerships with component schools.
Motivated by a distinguished past, we are excited about
the future, embodying the essence of TST BOCES.
