Karen Geelan, Ed.D.
About Company
Dr. Karen Geelan is a retired New York State Superintendent, whose professional experience spans a variety of settings over 31 years in NY, serving as Superintendent in suburban and rural districts, Principal of a large suburban high school, Assistant Principal at the middle and high school levels, and interim elementary principal in a large, rural school district. Dr. Geelan taught math in the cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls for twelve (12) years, where she had many teacher leadership experiences, and adopted the philosophy of “Learning for All…Whatever it Takes.”
Dr. Geelan studied at the University at Buffalo, and her thesis, Organizational Sustainability and High School Reform, focuses on leaders tending to the organization of schools and districts to become change-adept organizations that resiliently respond to adversity. She has a reputation for leading districts through turbulent times restoring productivity, and has led district reorganization, capital projects, curriculum, assessment and safety audits, and contract negotiations.
Interim Superintendent appointments at Olean City Schools and the Greater Johnstown City School District and leading Westminster Community Charter School in Buffalo, NY were successful by quickly establishing trusting relationships and maintaining a focus on the antecedents of excellence. It is always about doing what is best for kids.