HYA Product: Surveys
Engage your whole community when making important decisions.
HYA's survey products support both executive search and strategic planning processes, and as a tool to collect valuable information on an annual basis for evidence based governance.
Survey Products
HYA’s survey products support both executive search and strategic planning processes and are utilized to obtain annual data for evidence based governance.
Surveys can be conducted as a standalone product, as part of the HYA search or strategic planning process, or as a means of collecting annual data for strategic decision making.
Leadership Profile Survey
This survey is utilized by districts wanting input from their community as part of a superintendent or principal search process to ensure all stakeholders have the opportunity to be a part of the search process and provide valuable feedback about the school district. The research-based survey identifies the goals, needs, and priorities of the school system along with the desired characteristics of its next leader. The survey was developed based on research on effective leadership; a corresponding white paper is available. Results are desegregated by stakeholder group and analyzed to identify areas of consensus in the community.

State of the District Survey
As part of any planning process, the first phase typically involves documenting the current state of reality and desired future position of the school district through authentic stakeholder engagement.
Measuring stakeholder satisfaction helps to identify problems that might otherwise go unnoticed by organizational leadership and can improve public trust and support for future programming and initiatives. Collecting stakeholder feedback by survey is a critical part of any strategic planning process as it allows for a large sampling where key issues emerge. The State of the District Survey asks questions about overall quality, operations functioning, priorities for the future, department specific programming, academic expectations and equity.
The resulting State of the District Report provides an executive summary and visual representations of the results by constituent group. This survey can be customized to remove sections and/or include additional forced choice questions and/or open ended comments.

Build Your Own Survey
Custom surveys are utilized by HYA clients for very specific purposes, for example, before a referendum question, for community input on redistricting or renaming of schools, or for feedback on facility improvements and construction bonds. A HYA Associate works with the school district to develop the survey and questions are reviewed by a HYA Associate that will also analyze the data and write the report. HYA has specialized associates that are credentialed in the areas of research, statistical analysis and program evaluation. HYA provides a professional translation service should the district desire the survey to be offered in multiple world languages. The cost of a customized survey is quoted based on the length, languages and desired reporting.